Friday, December 3, 2010

'American Idol for Inventors' at Time Warner Cable Arena , Dec 10

Inventors from across the country attend TeleBrands/Charlotte Checkers
Inventor's Day, an open casting call for those with the dream of
creating the next "must have" infomercial product. The event is at 9
a.m. Friday, Dec. 10, at Time Warner Cable Arena,
333 East Trade St., Charlotte.

A cross between "American Idol" and "The Apprentice"-- each inventor
has 5 minutes to pitch TeleBrands CEO AJ Khubani and a panel of
judges. Products will range from kooky ("what were they thinking?!")
to practical ("why didn't I think of that!!") and the pitches will be
attention-grabbing. With names like Home Tech Flavor Injector, Cit-
Trease Orange Peeler, and Wizzer Bread Vac, we're sure to have some fun.

In addition, TeleBrands will be sponsoring their 2nd annual "As Seen
on TV" Products night with the Charlotte Checkers on Friday evening,
December 10 when the Checkers take on the Hershey Bears. The first
2,000 guests will receive a free TeleBrands product.

For pre-event interviews and media clearance, contact Andrea Pass,