Friday, September 23, 2011

Dirty Money Made Clean by Iredell Sheriff's Department

Sheriff Phillip Redmond of Iredell County is cleaning up the community
in an unconventional way. His office recently converted 13 out of 150
Crown Vics to run on clean-burning, domestically produced propane
autogas thanks in part to illegal activity - confiscated drug money.

The Sheriff's Office used Drug Interdiction Funds from seizures to
match grant funding for the autogas conversions, which were
administered by nationwide network Alliance AutoGas. Captain Mike
Phillips estimates the autogas conversions will save the county about
40 percent in fuel costs, in addition to reduced maintenance costs
like fewer oil changes.

"Running our fleet on propane autogas goes hand-in-hand with the
Sheriff Office's mission to clean up the community and create a better
environment for future generations of Iredell County—literally and
figuratively," says Captain Phillips.

Visit for more information.